Socket & industrial wet mops

Mops and Industrial Mops

At, we offer a wide range of mops and industrial mops designed to meet the most demanding cleaning requirements in commercial and professional environments. Our selection includes industrial mops and professional mops, ideal for maintaining hygiene and cleanliness in various spaces, from warehouses to restaurants.

What sets industrial mops apart from conventional ones?

Industrial mops are constructed with durable and resilient materials to withstand intensive and prolonged use. Additionally, their ergonomic design facilitates efficient cleaning of large areas without fatigue.

What are the key features of our professional mops?

Our professional mops are designed with high-quality absorbent fabrics that ensure effective and residue-free cleaning. Additionally, they offer superior performance in terms of durability and maneuverability, making them the ideal choice for high-traffic commercial environments.

What considerations should I keep in mind when choosing an industrial mop?

When selecting an industrial mop, it is crucial to consider factors such as the type of surface to be cleaned, frequency of use, and specific cleaning needs. Additionally, ensure to choose a mop compatible with the cleaning and disinfection systems used in your establishment.

How can I maintain my mops and industrial mops in optimal condition?

To prolong the lifespan of your mops and industrial mops, it is essential to follow the care and cleaning instructions provided by the manufacturer. This may include rinsing them after each use, washing them regularly, and storing them properly to prevent the proliferation of bacteria and unpleasant odors.

At, we are committed to offering quality products that meet the highest standards of industrial cleaning. Discover our collection of mops and mops designed to tackle any cleaning challenge in your workplace. Optimize your time in professional cleaning tasks by choosing the right professional mop, more info on our blog: Cleaning Time Optimization.